Sunday, September 25, 2016

Surprise! Christmas Photo Shoot Giveaway

I promised a little over a week ago that I had an announcement for a Christmas photo shoot giveaway. So here are the details...

YOU nominate a person, couple, or family for a shoot by submitting a 200-400 word essay about why they deserve it. What are some reasons? It could be anything. Updated portrait, new family member, and the desire for professional shots.

Here is the low down.

Submissions have to be received by October 15th at faith(at)
Submissions are to include your name and contact information, the nominee's name and contact information, and the essay.

The winner will be notified by October 20th.

The winner will receive a 30-minute photo shoot. This photo shoot will include 10 digital photos and a print release. The award will expire 2/28/2017.

Get your submissions in!

If there are any questions at all please ask.

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