Saturday, September 26, 2015

Still Shooting

I was hoping to share today about having the privilege of taking the individual and team photos of some amazing kids that play for PALS. Unfortunately, the rain came in and games have been cancelled today. They will carry on next week.

Working with special kids brings joy to my heart. It is not because I can pat myself on the back and say "I did something good today." It is because these amazing kids have so much to offer. They are brilliant. They are overcomers. They are compassionate.

Needless to say I was disappointed to not have the fortune of spending time with my friends today.

I do still shoot photography. I am available for hire. My schedule is crazy for the next couple months as I complete my Master's Degree and graduate in December.

I do want to share what I believe is a great photo that represents the calm in the storm. A unique opportunity to catch considering. I was thrilled to capture this, this morning.

This is my sweet Angel. We rescued her February 18, 2014. She is a very loyal and loving beast that does not like to be challenged by what she deems as inferior animals. I rarely capture a good photo of Angel, and this morning I took advantage of her resting. I believe the photo captures her wild spirit and her youthful exuberance. Yet her mysterious calm creates peace.

Have a great day! I need to get some writing done to sooth my soul.